Downloading resolutions

If your board meeting included a meeting resolution (as opposed to a circular resolution) you will want to be able to download the signed results of this resolution as members of the board respond. In this post we will discuss the steps to view the results of a meeting resolution. Steps In the Admin Portal…

How to publish a binder

How to publish a binder Once you have created your binder (see How to create a binder for more details) and you are ready to make it available to the attendees and recipients it must be published. This is a very simple process but there are several publish options you should understand. When you click on the…

Adding a new admin

Adding new admins is very simple with only a few pieces of information required. As per the screenshots below, open the People section of the admin portal and click on the admins tab. You may only create admins up to the total licence count that you have purchased. You may add up to an additional…

Managing licences

You can add licences from the People section of the admin portal  Click on the ‘Manage licences’ button and a dialog will be displayed with your current licence allocation. You may add up to five new licences immediately which will be invoiced at your current contract rate, prorated for the balance of your contact term….

Adding a new user

Adding new users is very simple with only a few pieces of information required. As per the screenshots below, open the People section of the admin portal and click on the users tab. You may only create users up to the total licence count that you have purchased. You may add up to an additional…

Athena Board Terminology

Board A managed collection of users and administrators that have access to the board binders/calendars/minutes/circular resolutions and Library Committee Same as a board – we refer to these as ‘Boards’ Binders The collection of board materials (documents, votes, resolutions etc) for a specific meeting Library  A repository for documents that are uploaded by an administrator. This…

How to get help

Check the How To guides for assistance on individual topics Contact Athena Board support staff via email or at 1300 985 484 Make use of our intelligent Ai based help system inbuilt into each of the apps and the admin portal.

Creating a binder

The binder is the core of Athena Board and represents a collection of items for delivery for a board or committee meeting. Binders are extremely flexible and can be easily tailored for many uses and format requirements. Creating a binder is easy and the agenda builder wizard controls the flow. Select new from the Binders…