Athena Board Terminology
Board A managed collection of users and administrators that have access to the board binders/calendars/minutes/circular resolutions and Library
Committee Same as a board – we refer to these as ‘Boards’
Binders The collection of board materials (documents, votes, resolutions etc) for a specific meeting
Library A repository for documents that are uploaded by an administrator. This section is intended for general governance, policy or charter type documents. Each board/committee has a separate set of Library documents (this feature was previously known as ‘Files’)
Resolution A document presented to the user as a document in a binder requiring a signature
Circular Resolution A document presented to a group of users for action (signature or abstention) and supporting quorums (the minimum number of signatures required for the resolution to pass)
Annotation A notation on a binder item – supporting post-it notes, text, shapes, various highlighting and freehand drawing
Notes A note taking facility connected to a binder, supports freehand and text notes
Administrators A person that administers a customer’s use of Athena Board and has access to one or more boards/committees. Administrators can be limited to certain boards/committees as either admins or users
User A person that receives board materials
Contributor A person that an administrator has given the rights to upload materials for consideration of inclusion in a binder
Attendee A user that attends the board meeting and receives board documents
Recipient A user that does not the board meeting and receives board documents
Current Binders in the current period (the period is defined by the administrator)
Previous Binders moved into previous when the current period expires
Archive Binders that are selected by an administrator to be made available to a specific user
Unpublished Created binders that have not yet been made available to users
Zero-trust The underlying storage model used by Athena Board. In essence it means that no one but the intended person can decrypt the materials