Adding and managing contributors

Sometimes you will want to receive and include documents in your board meetings from other non-cosec employees in your organisation. Athena Board makes it easy to receive these and include these documents within your board meeting using the contributor functionality.

Contributors in the context of Athena Board are individuals invited by an administrator to contribute documents. Contributors do not have access to board materials, nor can they log into Athena Board. 

In this post we will discuss utilising the contributors functionality.

Adding contributors to your organisation

In the Admin Portal click the People menu and then click on the Contributors tab.

Click the Add contributor button and then provide details of the contributor including their name, email, and role within your organisation.

Then select the boards that this contributor should be able to contribute documents to.

Finally, you can choose whether this contributor is immediately enabled, whether their link to contribute documents is emailed immediately, when access should be revoked, and whether the user should be required to provide an emailed one-time code (MFA) for access each time they click their custom email link to access contributor document upload.

Contributing documents

The contributor will be able to access the contributor upload page using the unique link emailed to them. Once on the page they can select the document(s) they wish to upload, and for which board this document belongs to.

Receiving contributed documents as an admin

In the Admin Portal you will be able to see contributed documents on the home page. Additionally, the Inbox button in the top right corner of the screen will show a notification bubble and will allow you to access these documents.

You can click into the menu next to contributed documents and choose to either view, download, reject, or delete a document. When managing your next board meeting you can then upload any contributed document you’ve downloaded to your computer previously.

Managing existing contributors

From the Contributors tab on the People page you can view and modify existing contributors. You can download their files, edit their details and access, send them their unique email link for accessing document upload, disable their access, or delete them.