Understanding Current, Previous and Archive

To help you better manage your board meetings Athena Board assigns one of a few statuses for your board meetings. 

In this post we will discuss what each of these statuses means and how this can be controlled.


A current binder is one that has been recently published and is within the current meeting period for the board. The current meeting period for the board may be the current calendar year, financial year, board year, or a specified number of days within the meeting date for the binder. More about setting this up below.


A previous binder is a binder with a meeting date in a past meeting period for the board. Admins as well as users who originally had access to the meeting binder will see the meeting binder with Previous status.


When a user is given access to a binder from a previous meeting period (a Previous binder) and they did not originally have access to the binder, they will see it with Archive status to denote they are seeing it for archival purposes and not as an original attendee/recipient of the binder.

Changing when a binder moves to previous

Control for when binders move to previous is done within the settings for the board. This is setup when creating the board or can be modified later within the Admin Portal by clicking the “See all boards button” within the menu under the current board name and then clicking on the desired board. Look for the setting “Move to previous”.

The available options for move to previous are:

  • Days after meeting – you will then be required to provide the number of days after which point the binder should move to previous.
  • Board year end – you will need to provide the date your board year ends.
  • End of financial year – you will need to provide the date for the end of financial year.
  • End of calendar year.