Creating a Conflict of Interests Register
To use the “Conflict of Interest Register”, log in to the Admin portal and select Conflict of Interest Register from the Boards/Committees menu item in the top nav bar.
Select the users that require a Conflict of Interest Declaration for your organisation.
The selected users will be notified by email that they are required to submit a Conflict of Interests Declaration with instructions on how to do that.
Optionally upload a policy document as a reference to this Conflict of Interest Register.
The Conflict of Interest Register policy document can be optionally uploaded to the Board Library.
Choose whether to upload the policy document and/or the user’s declarations to the Board files by selecting the respective options in the “Settings” tab.
You may also choose to send a reminder to the selected users when their Conflict of Interests Declarations have not been updated for a certain number of days.
How to submit your Conflict of Interests declarations
Log into any Athena Board app and open a Board which you are required to submit a Conflict of Interest Declaration for.
Click the “Conflict of Interest” nav button found on the left nav.
Click “Add conflict” to add a conflict under the selected Conflict type tab (Employment, Investment, Relevant relationship or Other association).
Enter the date from which the conflict of interest started, then enter the details.
Once you are ready to submit your Conflict of Interest Declarations, click the “Submit” button in the top right of the “Conflict of Interest” window.
If you do not wish to submit your interests yet, the form will automatically save any changes you make.
You may close and return to the form at a later date to continue filling out your Conflict of Interest Declaration.